Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's Confirmed! I do belong in 1969

You Belong in 1969

You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.

I found this site and decided I would give it a try. From my answers to the quiz I thought I would be in the 1980s or something. But no, there I was right in 1969. It was a good year-if I remember correctly.......

I graduated from Lamar High School in Lamar Colorado in 1969. That will be 40 sometimes long and sometimes short years ago next June. OK, now I'm a little depressed. What about all that stuff I wanted to do? Oh right, I didn't really have any concrete plans so I guess I'm doing ok after all!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wordle Dude

I heard about this cool site from my daughter. You can see her blog at

Friday, May 16, 2008

Briargate Book Club

I decided to use the knowledge I gained through the 23Things to create a group on LibraryThing 2.0 for my Briargate Book Club. I will collect email information from the people who attend regularly at our next meeting for those who want to be part of the online group. I think it will be popular because I have so many members who travel. This will be a way for them to be involved when they are unable to attend the meeting. I have great hopes for this virtual book club. I will eventually list all the books we've read in our 2 plus years of meeting. Here's a link if you want to look.

In the meantime here's some information on our June 2008 selection. Local authors Cynthia Quicksall Landsberg and Judith Pettibone will visit our meeting on June 11 at 10am to discuss their book The Hero Within Healing Boys at Colorado Boys Ranch.

Friday, May 9, 2008

It's All Over Now!

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
I liked Ning alot. It's a cool tool I can use in a little part time job I have not related to the library. I have to remember Bloglines because I really do think it can make managing all the info that's "out there" easier! I love the idea of the free "productivity" sites. That I can create documents on ZoHo Writer and log on anywhere and access it is too cool! I really liked looking at all of this stuff and feeling somewhat conversant in so many different things. Now, I might be able to hold my own in conversations about all these things. I'll be cutting edge for about 15 seconds!

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
I just feel so much more comfortable with exploring various options. I probably would never have experienced a Podcast just because it seemed so foreign to me. But now, I'll give it a try. A new use for that MP3 player I got for Christmas.
Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I was surprised that I could navigate around these sites fairly easily and that I was overwhelmed by any of them.
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
Time is always an issue when you work with the public. There are so many part time employees at PPLD that didn't have the same opportunities as full time staff or staff who don't work on the public desks.
And last but not least…
If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?
Yes, without hesitation. I had fun and really enjoyed this entire process!

PodCast? We'll See About That

I don't know if I'll ever listen, but I did subscribe to Irish Fireside. It's all about traveling in Ireland. I've never been to Ireland, but it is someplace I really want to go. So, until I can get there I'll just listen. What I'm hoping is that the podcaster has a great Irish accent! So, until we meet on the Emeral Isle enjoy this beautiful picture and check out Irish Fireside!

You Tube! Your 15 Minutes of Fame

I like You Tube. Really. What's not to like about exploding mentos, cute kittens, snarling chihuahua dogs and so on and so on. It can be a black hole and I find myself just robotically clicking on one video after another. What can I say. I'm a sucker for baby animals. I tried several times and several different ways to embed one of my favorite YouTube videos, but even with my techo daughter's help I failed miserably. I was able to copy and paste this link however, and with any luck at all it will open. If it does I hope you enjoy Henriette the Dancing Dog as much as I did.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nearing the Finish Line

In honor of the 134th Run for the Roses I have named this post Nearing the Finish Line. Though I would say this task has been more of a marathon than a sprint.

I went to Google Labs and created a webpage! You can teach an old dog new tricks! Who knew? Anyway, it was really easy and just another lesson in how accessible things are on the web. It brings home again the lesson learned in Library 2.0 about making our information easily accessible. To compete in the market, and that doesn't just include libraries any more, we have to change with the times.

I love ZOHO Writer. What a great tool. What I like most is it's easy and I can access from anyplace I have an Internet connection. I was able to add a picture and publish the document to my blog!

On Web 2.0 I scrolled through all the winners and runners up and then kind of at random chose the in Visual Arts. There's a cool mosaic maker that is fun. I'm not quite good enough that I'm ready to go public with my mosaics. Give 4 or 5 years....